Bringing Attention Deficit Order to ADD

Attention Deficit Order
Bringing order to Attention Deficit dis-Order is not easy.  If you happen to have ADHD-PI and are tyring to do the ordering it is eaven harder!!

I have been trying to organize this blog and bring ADO, Attention Deficit Order, to ADD.

This might be an easy task for some bloggers but for me it is far from easy. I have about 200 posts and there is no good way to get at all of one kind of Inattentive ADHD information from the posts unless you type a term into the "Search this Blog" box and even then you would not necessarily get what you were looking for.

The blog needs to be better organized and I should do better in that regard than I am currently doing.

What would be ideal would be to have neat categories that people could go to and find the information on things like:

1: Inattentive ADHD Symptoms
2. Inattentive ADHD Treatment
3. Inattentive ADHD Behavioral Training
4. Inattentive ADHD Diagnostic Tests
5. Inattentive ADHD Social Skills Training
6. Inattentive ADHD Alternatives to Medications
7. Inattentive ADHD Research
8. Inattentive ADHD in Children
9. Inattentive ADHD in Adults
10. Sluggish Cognitive Therapy Research
11. Sluggish Cognitive Therapy Treatment

And any other category that I have missed that you will, I hope, alert me to.

The thing is that accomplishing this task with 200 posts is going to take some major organizational activities, activiites that are not my strength, activities that do not come to me naturally and activites that I am dreading.

When I dread having to do something I have this routine that I go through that makes the dreaded activity less dreadful. This is what I do. I make myself a really good cup of coffee and find a little cookie or something to go with it. Once that is done I am in a much better mood and I am caffeinated, which makes everything tons better for me.

The next thing I do is 'Chunk' the activity. That word means that I break the task down into smaller pieces. The categories that I have designated above are my smaller pieces or chunks (Wow, that's already done!).

The last thing I do is get started and like the Nike Commercial used to say... I JUST DO IT.

The 'just do it' part is very important because once I start something, the task seems doable but before I begin, it seems impossible. The act of beginning is very powerful and the chunking helps because the first step that you have to take is not huge. The treat, the chunking and the small step needed to begin the task make the process seem totally doable.

So with that in mind I will begin by 'attacking' the first chunk on my list of organizational goals, which is 'Inattentive ADHD symptoms'.

By the time you read this post you should see a clickable link titled "Inattentive ADHD Symptoms" on the right sidebar. When you click that link it will bring you to all the posts that address that topic and I hope that you find this new tool nifty and useful all at the same time.

Every day I will work through my list and when I am finished it will have totally been worth the effort. Do you have something you are putting off?  Remember the three steps:

1. A little Treat
2. Chunk it
3. Get Started and Just Do It

Bringing ADO, Attention Deficit Order, to ADD will not be easy but I am aiming high!

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